Managed Sales Service

Welcome to Xeloron - the place where sales takes flight! Our sales experts are pilots of multichannel campaigns that’ll keep your sales team’s calendar packed with action. But wait, there's more! We don't just find opportunities - we close deals and put your recurring revenue on a jet stream to success. Let Xeloron be the wind beneath your sales' wings.


We've been in your shoes, running our own IT companies - let’s team up and build a winning game plan


We combine a professional approach with a personal touch in cold calling, ensuring a stream of ready-to-sell leads for your team


We're like an extension of your team! We’ll sell under your brand name and bring those signed contracts straight to your desk


Let’s give your recurring revenue a boost! Our tested strategies blend professional know-how with a friendly touch, ensuring your customers spend more.

Our Philosophy

Distinctly Different - Because We Can!

Our roots are deeply embedded in the IT sector. Andre, our founder, has not only owned several IT companies but continues to have a stake in an Managed Service Provider. We know the ins and outs of IT products and the hurdles that come along. It’s this firsthand knowledge that lets us be different - because we can!

Andre Achtermeier
Tina Achtermeier

The core of Xeloron is a deep connection to the human side of sales. Tina, our sales psychology expert, laid the foundation for Xeloron in 2013 by establishing her first cold calling agency. This expertise enables us to deliver unparalleled sales solutions. - because we can!

Girl with Plane

Hear Our Clients

Distinctly different, indeed! Xeloron’s approach is refreshingly innovative. I can focus on my business while they handle sales with efficiency.
Carmen - Cyberscurity
Head of Cybersecurity
With Xeloron, my customer base has doubled. They understand the challenges in our field, and their human approach to sales is incredibly effective.
Jonathan - Owner
Owner of MSP
As an IT expert, I appreciate working with people who ‘get it’. Andre not only gets it but excels at it. The impact on my bottom line has been astounding
Tom - CEO
IT Solution Provider

Yes, let’s get my sales flying high!

Outsourced Sales: Why It’s a Game-Changer


Outsourcing sales can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team, as it eliminates expenses related to recruitment, training, and benefits.


It allows your business to easily scale sales efforts up or down based on demand, without the challenges of hiring or laying off employees.

Expertise Access

Outsourced sales teams often have specialized skills and experience in sales strategies and methodologies that can be immediately applied to your business.

Focus on Core Competencies

By outsourcing sales, your company can focus on its core competencies and allocate resources to areas such as product development or customer service.

Risk Mitigation

Outsourcing sales can reduce the risks associated with market fluctuations, as the outsourced partner shares the responsibility for sales performance.

Boy with Plane

Meet Xeloron: Where Sales Grow Wings

Our crew of seasoned sales pros is here to pilot your success journey. Utilize our extensive knowledge amassed over years in the tech sector to expedite your sales expansion. Check out what we bring to the table:

United States - Based Team

First impressions are everything, aren’t they? Here at Xeloron, we handpick our sales experts from the US, so your customers can count on a warm, skillful, and downright impressive interaction every single time.

Customer Service

At Xeloron, we believe in the human touch. Knowing how much customer service matters to you and your customers, we make sure you have a dedicated Sales Strategist - a real person who’s there to make your campaigns shine and lend a hand when you need it.

Quality Control

We’re serious about quality control. That means teaming up with only the best sales reps who share our passion. With ongoing training, they’re always ready to serve you with knowledge and care.

Driven by Results, Fueled by Understanding

We selectively collaborate with businesses within our realm of expertise - MSPs, IT Service Providers, and Cybersecurity. Our in-depth understanding of these sectors underpins our proven track record in bolstering sales for our partners.

Keeping You Posted

Our commitment to transparency and informed decision-making ensures that you receive regular reports detailing the performance of your campaign. Additionally, we provide insights into efficacious strategies and outline the areas targeted for enhancement.

Yes, let’s get my sales flying high!