The Influence personality type is one of the four personality types in the DISC model. Influence types are outgoing, persuasive, and relationship-oriented. They are often seen as charming and likable. The color is yellow.
Influence types can be valuable assets. They are typically good at building relationships with customers and partners. They can also be very persuasive, which can be helpful in closing deals.
However, Influence types can also be challenging to work with. They can be easily distracted and may not be as detail-oriented as other personality types.
Here are some tips for using the Influence personality type to win more managed service provider deals:
- Build rapport. Influence types are drawn to people who they like and trust. Take the time to build rapport with them before you start talking about your services.
- Be positive and enthusiastic. Influence types are energized by positive people and environments. When you’re speaking with them, be positive and enthusiastic.
- Focus on the big picture. Influence types are not as interested in the details as they are in the big picture. When you’re talking about your services, focus on the benefits that they will receive, not the technical details.
- Be creative. Influence types are drawn to new and innovative ideas. When you’re talking to them, be creative and come up with new ways to solve their problems.
- Be patient. Influence types can be easily distracted. If they start to lose focus, be patient and try to get them back on track.
By following these tips, you can use the Influence personality type to your advantage and win more managed service provider deals.
Here are some additional tips for working with Influence personality types:
- Be genuine. Influence types can spot a fake from a mile away. Be genuine and authentic in your interactions with them.
- Be supportive. Influence types appreciate encouragement and support. When they’re working on a project, be there to offer them support and guidance.
- Be flexible. Influence types are not always the most organized. Be flexible and willing to go with the flow.
By understanding how to work with them, you can win more deals and build stronger relationships with your customers.