Xeloron 3 questions

Navigating the treacherous waters of sales meetings often causes more concern for MSP business owners than any other facet of the job. Understandably so! Many MSP owners have built their businesses upon strong technical foundations and are not naturally inclined to sales. The silver lining, however, is that selling your services doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable or forced.

When engaging with potential clients, it’s essential to shift your perspective. You’re not attempting to push something onto them, but rather, you’re exploring whether they need your help. This slight reframing transforms the dreaded sales meeting into a rewarding conversation about problem-solving. Here are three essential questions your MSP should ask to determine if your business aligns with their needs.

What is This Costing You?

When a prospect initiates a meeting, it’s usually because they’re grappling with a nagging issue, such as a defective server or sluggish network. However, by the time you meet, the immediate pain of the problem may have faded from their memory. It’s your job to remind them why this meeting is necessary.

Start by asking them, “What is this costing you?” in relation to their issue. Help them comprehend the real-world implications of their problem, like how their defective server translates into business downtime or lost productivity due to slow systems.

Remember, it’s not solely about the financial toll; the emotional impact can be equally influential. What does this downtime cost in terms of stress, friction between staff, or frustration with management? Emphasizing these emotional costs can be a potent catalyst for change.

What Solutions Have You Already Tried?

After acknowledging the problem, the immediate reaction for many MSPs is to jump straight into solution mode. Resist this temptation. Instead, ask what solutions the prospect has already attempted. This conversation not only provides valuable insight into their journey so far but also sheds light on why they’re now seeking external assistance.

They may have already explored several avenues – from the owner’s tech-savvy nephew to multiple low-cost local IT service providers. Understanding their past efforts allows you to craft a more tailored and appealing proposition.

How Do You See Us Helping You?

At this juncture, many MSP owners are eager to offer their solutions. However, it’s important to remember that your envisioned solution might differ from the client’s ideal scenario. Therefore, by asking, “How do you see us helping you?” you allow the client to articulate their expectations clearly.

Their response could range from “I want you to stop our server from crashing” to “I want you to eliminate all my IT troubles.” These two responses could lead to entirely different discussions. It’s always better to have a clear understanding of what the client expects from you before jumping into problem-solving mode.

The Power of Questions in Sales

Using these three questions as part of your sales strategy can be a game-changer. First, they help you remind the client why they sought your help. Second, understanding the history of their problem by asking “What have you already tried to fix this?” provides valuable context and helps build rapport. Lastly, by asking “How do you see us helping you?” you ensure that your proposed solution aligns with their expectations.

Remember, as an MSP owner, your role is to assist, not to hard-sell. Engaging in an open, honest conversation about their needs and expectations is much more rewarding and effective than attempting to convince someone they need your help.

So asking the right questions during your sales meeting not only uncovers the pain points your prospects are facing but also guides them towards asking for your help – a conversation every MSP owner can handle with confidence and ease.
